A roundup of 4-H news for the week of August 18, 2011:


BERLIN CENTER, Ohio — The Western Reserve Rangers 4-H Club met Aug. 11. The Rangers will have a fair booth at the Canfield Fair for members to showcase their projects and many members will show livestock at the fair also.

Members that received awards at the Ohio State Fair were recognized. Garrett and Justin McGinty, Gabriella Marinescu and Katherine Pitcairn received first place clock trophies and Jena Styka an Outstanding of the Day award in the public speaking competition. Remi Suyen Mikan received a first place clock trophy in the marketing division for her original 4-H Thank You Note. Receiving Outstanding of the Day awards in the style revue were Elizabeth Marinescu, Gabriella Marnescu and Jena Styka.

Hannah Shrader worked as a program assistant for the three day style revue at the Ohio State Fair and Sara Cummings assisted with the event as a member of the 2011 State 4-H fashion board. 4-H State Ambassador Gabriella Marinescu registered participants and helped with a variety of 4-H judging competitions. Club adviser Amelia Shrader judged leadership projects at the fair.

Katherine Pitcairn who made the 2011 Mahoning County 4-H Royal Court. The 4-H king and queen will be announced at the Canfield Fair Sept. 1 during Youth Day ceremonies that begin at 2 p.m.

Safety leader Remi Mikan told everyone about personal safety and Emily Ramm shared her experiences at 4-H Junior Camp. The Western Reserve Rangers 4-H Club will meet again in November.

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NORTH JACKSON, Ohio — The Jackson-Milton Livestock 4-H club held a meeting Aug. 10. The club still has spirit yard signs available. They can be made for most schools.

Winners of the gas card raffle were: Betty Hemphill, $100 gas card; Cindy J, $50 gas card; and Jessica Hively, $25 gas card. Tack box lists were available at this meeting.

The Canfield Fair runs from Aug. 31 through Labor Day. The poultry sale will be Sept. 1 at 5:30 p.m. with the lamb sale at 7 p.m. and the swine sale following. The goat fudge, rabbit meat pens and market goat sales will be Sept. 2 at 5:30 p.m. with the market beef and market feeder sale at 7 p.m.

All sales take place in the 4-H Coliseum at the north end of the fairgrounds. Members from the club will also be working the Pop Shop food stand on the Saturday of the fair from 7:30 to 11 a.m.

The Jackson-Milton Livestock Club will be decorating their pens and stalls at the Junior Fair area Aug. 28 at 2 p.m.

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BURTON, Ohio — The Geauga Dairymen had a 4-H meeting on Aug. 9.

Members wrote letters to potential buyers for their dairy basket they will be selling at the Jr. Fair Livestock sale on Sept. 3. The Jr. Fair theme is “Around Geauga County in five days with Jr. Fair.” The club will use this theme to decorate the board in the dairy barn at fair. Pictures were taken of each member for the board.

Rachel will buy food for the clubs donation for the Food- a-thon and deliver it on Aug. 11. Jordyn and Rachel plan to submit entries for the safety poster contest. Members voted for Jr. Fair King and Queen.

The club will be buying straw and sawdust for the bedding for fair. Members practiced showing their animals.

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