A roundup of 4-H news for the week of January 27, 2011


NEW GALILEE, Pa. — Lawrence County equine 4-H group, Trail Blazers, had its first meeting of the year Jan. 18. During the meeting, members discussed rules and upcoming events.

The group will be participating in several community events this year. The club will help serve food at a pantry Feb. 19 and March 19, with a time yet to be determined.

Officers were also elected. Jessica Lynn was voted president; Courtney O’Brien, vice president; Sarah Smith, secretary; Shelby Engleka, treasurer; Jonalyn Telesz, news reporter; Maria, social chairman; and Stephanie Dessler, photographer.

Giddy Up and Go books for level one project, production, and horsemanship skills were also handed out.

The next meeting will be Feb. 1 at 6:30 p.m. at the New Galilee Presbyterian Church. For any further information, go to http://www.home.windstream.net/trail-blazers.

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WINONA, Ohio — The Lone Rangers 4-H club held its January meeting at the Winona Friends with 22 youth and three leaders in attendance.

The club is continuing to collect aluminum cans and are also looking forward to summer and 4-H daycamp at Columbiana Fairgrounds and overnight camp at Camp Whitewood.

Frankie Heffinger and Ashley Hahn did a health talk on avoiding the flu. Morgan Smallwood demonstrated on how to make grilled-cheese sandwiches.

The February meeting will be held at Winona Friends Church.

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BURTON, Ohio — Breeder and Feeders 4-H club held its second meeting of the year Jan. 16. Mike Fenstermaker gave the health report on frostbite.

The poultry group discussed what poultry would be shown at fair and how to watch for non-recognized breeds. Poultry is to bring a housing and food proposal and duck recipe to the next meeting.

The beef group did a worksheet on the first five chapters of the resource handbook and discussed proper health and needs through winter.

Hog’s new weights for 2011 are 215-290 pounds. Dates to remember are: May, hog tagging; July 23, Skillathon (9 a.m. to noon); August 20, barn set up; Aug. 31, hog weigh in; Sept. 1, first show; Sept. 3, sale; and Sept. 10, barn tear down.

Rabbit discussed 2011 projects for fair and rabbit body types. Members should bring photo and report on rabbit breed and body type to next meeting.

The next meeting will be Feb. 20 at Munson Town Hall. Times are 3 p.m., rabbits and hogs; 3:30 p.m., poultry; and 4 p.m., group. The club will be at the Chagrin Roller Rink from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

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DAMASCUS, Ohio — Circle 62 4-H club met Jan. 8 at the Pearce House. There were 47 people attending the meeting.

The club elected new officers. They are: James Kartaro, president; Joey Hollback, vice president; and secretary, Maddie Malloy.

The Damascus Ruritans donated money to the club.

The next meeting is Feb. 5 at the Pearce House.

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NORTH JACKSON, Ohio — The Mahoning County Outdoorsmen 4-H club held its first meeting of the year January 14. The Outdoorsmen is a 4-H shooting sports club with instructors certified in rifle, pistol, shotgun, archery, muzzleloader, and living history. Any youth, ages 9-18 wishing to take a shooting sports project, is welcome to attend.

The next meeting is Jan. 28 at Youngstown Rifle Pistol Club, 8920 Shaffer Road, North Jackson.

Last year, members decided not to have officers and to let the advisers run the meetings. This year there will again be no officers except for news reporter. Delorean Jones, Zachary Adams and Lillian Wood will work together to fill the position.

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CANFIELD, Ohio — Mahoning County Goat Herders had its first meeting of the new year Jan. 10.

A welcome was given to our new members Kara Burcaw, Alaina Courtwright and Emma Hough.

New officers voted in for the year include: Melissa Moliterno as president, Emily Theil, as vice president, Samantha Srock as secretary, Kristy Courtwright will serve as news reporter, Grayce McDaniel will give devotions, Rose Biery will handle demonstrations and McKayla Boyd will handle refreshments.

The roll call for the night was, “Is your goat bred?” or “What’s your goat’s name?”

A mandatory Quality Assurance will be held 8 a.m.-3 p.m. March 5, at West Branch High School. A test-out date from 12 p.m. – 2 p.m. Feb. 21 is available for those who have attended two or more years of Quality Assurance.

A mandatory county goat meeting will be held in Canfield at 7 p.m. Jan. 24.

The next meeting is 7 p.m. Feb. 28.

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CHARDON, Ohio — The Geauga Dairymen met Jan. 17.

The recreation leader had the club complete a 4-H word search at the beginning of the meeting. A health report on the importance of hand washing was given. Another member reported on the importance of keeping warm and safe when playing outside.

Members were reminded, the Teen Conference is March 12, and Camp Whitewood is July 10-July 16.

The Skillathon Project Judging is July 23.

Members were also told that the animal release time for Monday night of fair has been changed to 8 p.m. Members received Hoard’s Dairymen forms to complete and return at the next meeting.

Members were assigned diseases and will complete reports to present to the club.

The next meeting is on Feb. 21, at the Chardon Bowling Lanes at 11 a.m. The club will go to lunch afterward.

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