A roundup of 4-H news for the week of July 16, 2009


CORTLAND, Ohio — The Trumbull County Holstein Club sponsored a clipping contest for 4-H dairy club members at the Trumbull County Fair. This year’s winners are Emily Smallsreed of Braceville and Daniel Montgomery of Newton Falls. Winners both received a set of Andis Endurance clippers.

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CHESTERLAND, Ohio — The Plantmasters 4-H club held a meeting June 24.

Members learned about garden pests and especially the bugs that attack peppers and were reminded to sign up for interview judging early to get their preferred time slot. Judging took place July 11.

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WELLINGTON, OHIO — The Penfield Partners 4-H club met July 1. A thank you note was read from the Dussel family for the card the club sent.

Samples of barn decorations were brought in and each member picked the one he or she wanted to use for their animal. Members will work on them at the July 29 meeting.

Members broke into groups and worked on experiments from the club project book. Members then discussed what each group did and filled in books. The club project will be judged July 15.

The next meeting will be held July 15.

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BERLIN CENTER, Ohio — Following several county 4-H judging events, many members of Western Reserve Rangers 4-H club were selected to represent Mahoning County at the Ohio State Fair.

The following members were selected: Robert Voland, Ashley Algarin, Delorean Jones, Sarah Hernan, Cheyenne Rowbotham, Levi Smith, Gabrella Marinescu, Elizabeth Marinescu, Blake Algarin, Amy Milo, Casie Stevens, Bailey Hornberger, Jenna Styka, Alexander Veverka, Julia Miglets, Jordan Young, Megan Day, Tiffany Voland, Erin Styka, Jacob Timmins, Shannon Marshburn, Samuel Adams, Ian Hames and Nicky Marinescu.

Members receiving Outstanding County Project Awards include Cheyenne Rowbotham, Elizabeth Marinescu, Gabrella Marinescu, Tiffany Voland and Ashley Algarin.

Ranger members awarded a County Award Ribbon were Delorean Jones, Shannon Graf, Presley Cummings, Blake Algarin, Richie Hedrick, Zach Adams, Sam Adams, Haylee Shasteen, Katherine Pitcairn, Erin Styka and Emily Henderson.

Delorean Jones reported on the Canfield Fourth of July parade and for the Rangers Shooting Sports Program and Krista Hornberger shared activities of the County 4-H Junior Leader Club and the Mahoning County 4-H Fashion Board.

Health leader Richie Hedrick encouraged members to eat more fruits and vegetables while recreation leader Jessica Corll passed out treats to members who turned in their 4-H word search game.

Ranger members will be working in the Junior Fair Restaurant Sept. 6 during the Canfield Fair.

Brenda Metts stated that both youth and adults could send in their entries for the Domestic Arts Department at the Canfield Fair until Aug. 10.

Blake Algarin, Amy Milo and Casie Stevens did their “Driving For Dummies” health and safety skit and are one of three teams that won at the district competition to go to the Ohio State Fair.

The next meeting is at 7 p.m. Aug. 13.

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