A roundup of 4-H news for the week of July 29, 2010


BURTON, Ohio — Breeders and Feeders 4-H Club held a meeting July 16 and practiced Skill-a-thon at the Patterson Center. Upcoming events discussed were July 28 canoeing at Camp Hi at noon; a car wash Aug. 14 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m.. at the Tractor Supply Store in Chardon; and hoof trimming at the fairgrounds Aug. 15.

Set up for the fair will be Aug. 29 at the beef barn at the fairgrounds. The 4-H livestock sale will be held Sept. 4 as two events; the first beginning at 4 p.m. at the tent next to the alpacas for the small animals, and the Dairy Baskets and hoofed animals starting at 6 p.m. in the arena. Breeders and Feeders will have milkshake booth duty Sept. 5 at the fair from 11-2.

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NORTH BENTON, Ohio — The Village Varieties 4-H Club met July 20 at the North Benton Presbyterian Church. Cloverbuds who won awards for safety posters were Kaylee Burcaw, Alexis Pierce and Mikala Wyss.

Sixteen members took projects to small project judging. They received a total of three state awards and 11 county awards. Jessika Owen received a county award for her cooking project and Ryan Carver received the high point award at the horse show.

The club will complete community service projects at Altercare of Alliance by visiting shut-ins. Five members will give presentations on their projects to the Beloit Ruritan Club at the August meeting. Club members have completed more than 290 hours of community service.

Health reports were given by Kirsten Plocher on sun safety and Mikayla Hohn on strep throat. Safety reports were given by Mikayla Hohn on pool safety and Jessica Slocum on avoiding dehydration. Demonstrations were given by Jordan Rohaley on proper use of a cow halter, Karl Reph on washing a chicken, Krista Burcaw on making a quilt and Lea Bock on how to tag a cow. Jordan Rohaley gave a devotional on Good, Better, Best.

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ORWELL, Ohio — The Mustang Wranglers 4-H horse club met July 10 at the Ohio State University extension office in Jefferson.

Members prepared for Skillathon, which took place July 17. Members also worked a Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association show.

Stephanie Mason and Carolyn Morrow completed their club demonstrations. Hannah Propst and Anna Tancredi participated in the county public speaking contest. Hannah placed second in her division.

Carolyn Morrow and Hannah Propst both qualified for the state fair. Carolyn in barrels and poles, and Hannah in jumping.

Natasha Sobie is preparing with the light horse judging team for the state fair. She is also in horse bowl and hippology.

Jackie Warren is serving on the Junior Fair Board preparing youth activities for the fair.

All club members are preparing the Expo Center booth display and the stall decorations. After the fair, members plan a day at Pioneer Waterland.

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CLARIDON, Ohio — The Geauga Caprine Kids 4-H club have met once a week since June 30. They had a picnic at their adviser’s house, discussed buyers letters and how to write them, went over how to fill outthe Jr. Fair form and talked about the D.U.N.F forms.

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THOMPSON, Ohio — The Thompson Ledge Dairymen met July 11, and watched a demonstration of how to clip their animals and clean the clippers.

Health officers gave reports on the importance of Hepatitis B vaccination and sun protection. Safety officers gave a report on water safety.

The club voted to move Shantytown to next year. The club also voted on buying four pre-sale milkshake tickets to give to the buyer and back bidder of last year’s cheese basket.

The club also discussed plans for the display board. The board will picture the junior fair theme “Don’t Get Stuck in the Mud, Plow Ahead with Jr. Fair” and will also include interesting facts about dairy cattle.

The next meeting is scheduled for Aug. 8 at 2 p.m. at the Burton Square. A tour of the Hastings Dairy Farm will follow the meeting.

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