A roundup of 4-H news for the week of Sept. 24, 2009


JEROMESVILLE, Ohio — Hillsdale FFA took two teams to compete at county soil judging Sept. 16.

The Rural Soils team consisted of McKenzie Stimmell, Kala Fox, Sam Young, Madison Hays and Trevor Cline.

The second team competing at district judged an urban setting and included Jon Baker, Logan Bachmann, Trevor Busch, Sam Foote and Walt Meyer.

The two teams will be going to the district contest Sept. 30 to compete for a spot at the state contest.

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HAMMONDSVILLE, Ohio — Members of the Edison FFA, along with FFA adviser Chuck Cline, attended a Monsanto Field Day at the farm of Dale Ramsey Aug. 29.

Representatives Andrew Ramsey, Dustin Ehrman, Charlie Kale and Dave Boring spoke to local farmers and FFA members on a variety of topics including soil, seeds and various agricultural advancements.

Those Edison FFA members attending the event were James Wood, Kevin Walden, Jake Ross, Amber Ramsey, Tyler Ramsey, Holly Mazur and Elizabeth Carroll.

For lunch, Edison members prepared 30 chickens for the attending speakers and guests.

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ALBANY, Ohio — The Alexander FFA took part in the annual Albany Fair Sept. 9-13 in many ways.

Members helped put up fence on Albany Fair Workday, and as the week progressed, many members participated and were successful in the livestock and still project events.

In addition to having members take part in competitions, the FFA held the annual Fun Day, which is a series of kid-friendly games and events geared toward agricultural aspects.

The Alexander chapter officers attended the 2009 COLT Conference Sept. 9.

During this conference the officers learned different ways of how to be a better leader and how to make their chapter better as a whole.

On Sept. 16, the Alexander FFA had members attend Ag Awareness Day to help educate elementary students about agricultural aspects.

The event was held at the Athens County Fairgrounds and covered many different topics.

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