A roundup of FFA news for the week of May 5, 2011:


PLYMOUTH, Ohio — The Plymouth FFA’s partnership with the American Red Cross and Plymouth High School, students were able to donate 73 pints of blood this year; enough to save 219 lives. Because of the Plymouth FFA partnership with the American Red Cross the chapter was also awarded a $500 college scholarship which was presented to Bridget Sutter.

The Plymouth Lions Club holds blood drives every 56 days at the Plymouth Community Building.

The dates are as follows: May 5, July 7, Sept. 1 and Nov. 3. All blood drives above are 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. except the July drive which runs 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.

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BELOIT, Ohio — West Branch FFA is holding its 44th annual student banquet May 5 at 7:30 pm at the West Branch High School auditorium. There will be a Swiss Steak dinner followed by the FFA award ceremony, which is free to members in good standing. There will also be a slideshow of activities following the ceremony.

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CRESTON, Ohio — Norwayne FFA members met April 25 for a night of fun.

The highlight of the night was “Minute to Win It.” Students were challenged with several events which included stacking blocks on their head; picking up pasta with a spaghetti stick; and carrying paper bags with your mouth.

Other fun activities also followed, and included marble races; knocking down tin cans with a yo-yo; and moving an Oreo from the top of one’s head to their mouth without using their hands.

Brock Morris, Korey Fickus, Jeremiah Dibler, Levi May, Zach Vance and Aaron Arnold were the winners for the evening.

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AMHERST, Ohio — The Western Reserve FFA chapter held FFA week April 4-8. FFA chapter members went on a leadership retreat to Mike and Jill Nolan’s family farm and worked on building teamwork. The retreat was highlighted by a trip to a pure Ohio Maple Syrup farm on Baird Rd., owned and operated by the Schlechter family.

There we learned the process of making maple syrup, including how to collect and boil sap, and learned about starting a small agribusiness. The chapter members enjoyed a pancake lunch with the freshly boiled maple syrup!

Throughout the remainder of the week, members participated by supporting their favorite tractor brand, wearing pj’s to school, touting their official FFA jackets by wearing official dress, dressing like cowboys and cowgirls, and showed the WRMS/HS staff their appreciation by making them breakfast.

Toward the end of the week, the chapter sponsored an inspirational speaker, Dave Kohout, to address students in grades 7-12. He spoke about finding your purpose in life and treating others with respect. Later that night he came back to the school were he spoke to the community.

Many students throughout the entire school and in the FFA participated in the events, raising the awareness of the National FFA Organization and its mission.

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WEST SALEM, Ohio — Five members of the Northwestern-Wayne FFA Chapter traveled to Columbus for the Promising Young Women’s Conference hosted at the Ohio State University April 15.

The seminar was conducted by Sigma Alpha, one of only two professional agricultural sororities on the main campus. This conference shows high school girls the career opportunities in the field of agriculture while visiting parts of the OSU campus.

Marlene Eick then led an activity giving the students an idea of exactly how many agriculturally related majors are available on campus.

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WOOSTER, Ohio — The Triway FFA Chapter met April 28, and reviewed the FFA Banquet. The money raised from the silent auction was put into care packages sent to the troops serving overseas and to the Clinton Township Fire Department for the memorial dedicated to Randy Boley.

A Softball game with Smithville FFA was also discussed.

The last item of new business was information about the Secrest Arboretum. Eileen Gress, Geoffrey Norris, Diane Gress, Julie Gress and Thomas Gress all came to help pot plants and get larger plants ready for the plant sale.

The summer activities calendar was brought up by Bailey Hardin. A basic outline needed to be put together including the show dates for the upcoming National Oliver Show. Some suggestions were a bonfire, paintballing, canoeing, a fishing derby, trap shoot or an Akron Aeros Game.

An officer retreat is to be scheduled for sometime this summer for the new officer team.

Eileen Gress began the debate on the Ohio State Fair Beef Booth this year. Each year the Triway FFA Chapter helps prepare and serve food to customers during the Ohio State Fair.

State Convention was discussed next. Zach Noble talked about what happens during the convention.

The National Oliver Show will be held at the Wayne County Fairgrounds July 21- 22. Those members wishing to work the gates during the show need to sign up with Diane Gress. Many spots are left to be filled by adults and students.

A meeting will be held June 26 to go over all of the events going on during the show. Those members who will be working need to attend.

Bailey Hardin spoke about the Washington Leadership Conference. The cost will be around $690 and a motion was made by Bailey Hardin to pay for half of the trip’s cost. The motion was seconded by Zach Noble and passed. Christie Aylsworth went on to describe what goes on during the trip. Bailey Hardin also brought up the Memorial Day Float. The group plans on deciding a theme and decorating it one day.

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SMITHVILLE — Wayne County Schools Career Center Ag Mechanics FFA members received awards at the annual banquet April 28 in the Ag Mechanics/Power Technologies lab.

The meat and beverage were prepared by Culinary Arts students, and the rest was a carry-in dinner.

Winning top senior awards were Kyle Noyes of Norwayne, top mechanic; Brady Crumley of Northwestern, best welder; Nick Fugate of Northwestern, best worker.

Top junior awards went to Jeremy Steiner of Rittman, top mechanic; Austin Wilson of Norwayne, hardest working; and Maison Massaro of Norwayne, best welder.

Honorary chapter awards were Rudy and Barb Maibach, alumni Jon Bauman, Jeran Stoller, Jordan Stoller; and program aide Adam Granger. Each helped the program in some way throughout the school year.

New officers inducted were: Audrey Forrer of Dalton, president; Catherine Marty of Norwayne, vice president; Luke Truman of Chippewa, secretary; Massaro, treasurer; Kenneth Schmuki of Fairless, reporter; Wilson, student adviser; and Kyle Bunn of Orrville, sentinel.

In other senior awards, Josh Lehman of Waynedale was most improved, Josh Hart of Triway, longest project; Cody Robinson of Chippewa, most organized; Aaron Gump of Triway, most entertaining; Joe Emerson of Rittman, most helpful; Derek Locklear of Northwestern, biggest bragger; Dave Hayhurst of Triway, teacher’s pet; and Nate Garver of Northwestern, quietest person.

Other junior awards were: Forrer, most reliable; Bunn, most employable; Schmuki, most improved; Marty, best helper; Todd Hargrove of Chippewa, best tool man; Eric Gravius of Orrville, longest project; Kailey Bartrum of Smithville, cleanest work area; Tyler Kinney of Norwayne, most organized; and Reed Hostetler of Smithville, happiest person.

Josh Steiner gave the welcome, and Austin Wilson gave the invocation. Audrey Forrer presented a video and photos of activities throughout the school year. FFA state and district contest winners were named, and students who helped with competitions or practices were honored.

Letter jackets were given to all who place at district and state contests. The students also presented jackets to instructor Wayne Bartter and job placement coordinator Craig Wellert, who is FFA adviser.

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BARLOW, Ohio — The Warren FFA chapter’s officer team and several guests attended officer training and the District 10 banquet April 21 at Waterford High School. New officers of District 10 were installed. District 10 officer elections were held and delegates from each chapter voted.

The banquet portion of the evening began at 6 p.m. Scott McDermott led the invocation. Becka Hearn, Cory Sampson, Kenneth Grady, Andy Mulligan and Weston McAfee received awards for participation in various competitions. Scott McDermott was elected vice president and Robbie Clifton was elected reporter.

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LOUDONVILLE, Ohio — The Loudonville FFA held their FFA “Infinite potential” banquet which was held in the LHS gym April 15 where the members were noticed for their accomplishments.

The banquet started off with the Greenhand candle light ceremonies followed by an open ceremony. The banquet was called to order by current FFA President Dylan Esselburn and with a tap of the gavel.

The award for meeting attendance was given out to students that have attended at least 85% of all FFA meetings throughout the year. Those students were: Sammie Spreng, Kenny Flenner, Elena Hoover, Brandon Allison, Trent Peters, Kari Bacon, John Nelson, Ian Timmons, Raelyn Fliger, James Jones, Tyler Brown, Shana Esselburn, Abby Rush, Bryce Kolberg, and Dylan Esselburn.

Scholarship awards were given out to: Samantha Spreng, Morgan Kolberg, Cody Spreng, Mikala Kopp, Elena Hoover, Maddie Christine, Cheyenne Bryson, Zach Lozier, Trent Peters, Chase Fidler, and Eme Whitener. This award went to students who maintained a 3.0 or higher grade point average this far in the school year followed by meeting attendance awards for 80% or higher attendance to monthly meetings.

Produce Sales results were given to those who sold over four hundred dollars in last months fruit and peanut sales. Those sellers were: Trent Peters, Elena Hoover, Morgan Kolberg, and Raelyn Fliger.

For the most FFA points awards you had to have a certain amount of FFA points throughout the nine weeks in the school year. The students that were awarded with this award were Elena Hoover, Raelyn Fliger, Dylan Esselburn, and Tyler Brown.

Dylan Esselburn former FFA president was honored with two greatly honored awards that evening which were the leadership award and the DeKalb award.

CDE competition recognition was given to all participating in any judging contest throughout the year were given certificates and pins. For the creed speaking contest FFA member Ian Timmons resisted it in place of creed speaking team participant Elena Hoover.

The new Greenhand FFA degree recipients were given an “FFA member lives here” sign for their driveway. The Chapter FFA Degree was then bestowed upon members Kari Bacon, Samantha Berry, Lee Gerich, James Jones, Corey Given, and Eme Whitener. This award is earned by first earning the Greenhand Degree then meeting a list of qualifications.

Proficiency awards were then introduced by Tyler Brown. This award is awarded to members that have met a minimum list of standards in a specialized area. Those who were awarded with this award were Dylan Esselburn, Kenny Flenner, Colton Stake, Brandon Allison, Trent Peters, Becca Morris, James Jones, Abby Rush, Raelyn Fliger, and Lee Gerich.

A report of the Loudonville FFA Alumni’s yearly activities was given by FFA Alumni President, Andy Stitzlein. In return FFA members recognized the alumni members for such loyal support. The Honorary FFA Degree was introduced by the 2011-2012 officer teams. This FFA Degree is the highest honor an FFA chapter can confer upon a non-member. The award was given to Andy Stitzlein, Chris Harris, and Bev Brennstal the FFA is very appreciative for their hard work they have done to help the FFA.

The chapter followed with the most FFA points and plaques this award was given to Ag 100 member Mikala Kopp, Ag 200 member Maddie Christine and Lee Gerich, Ag 300 /Ag 400 member Dylan Esselburn. This award is given to those members who have attended the most FFA and FFA alumni events, fundraisers, and community service programs since July 1.

Towards the end of the program adviser Kendra Carnegie reveled some of the major awards for the evening. Best record book for the year award was given to. Plaques and pins were also bestowed upon Raelyn Fliger, for star Greenhand and star chapter degree for placement and to Dylan Esselburn for star chapter farmer. The volunteerism award was then awarded to Brandon Allison.

For the “kick it into Gear” award an FFA member has to challenge his or herself to do more into their FFA so this award went to John Nelson.

The 2010 retiring officers introduced the 2011-2012 officers: President: Tyler Brown, Vice President: Morgan Kolberg, Student Advisor: Abby Rush, Treasurer: Elena Hoover, Historian: Shana Esselburn, Secretary: Raelyn Fliger, Reporter: Samantha Spreng, and Sentinel: James Jones.

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