WELLINGTON, Ohio — The Wellington FFA chapter is selling hog raffle tickets at $1 per ticket or $5 for six tickets. The hog was donated by Bryan Fehlan. Sales end Oct. 3 and the drawing is Oct. 5.
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ASHLAND, Ohio — The Crestview FFA hosted a tailgate party Aug. 31 before the Crestview versus Loudonville football game. The Crestview FFA provided the meat, which included hamburgers and hotdogs, and members brought side dishes to share.
The Crestview FFA alumni hosted the 14th annual consignment sale Sept. 1, in partnership with the Mapleton FFA chapter. Auctioneer Bill Stepp and his crew from Dilgard donated their services for the auction. Items sold included tractors, farm machinery, tools, landscape plants and surplus supplies. The sale made more than $37,000 in gross profits.