A weekly roundup of 4-H news for the week of April 24, 2008


BARNESVILLE, Ohio — The Barnesville Progressive Home Helpers held their regular meeting at the Main Street United Methodist Church in Barnesville.

The club continued to work on community service projects and were reminded that the Belmont County 4-H Camp Piedmont work day will be June 7.

Any member, family members, alumni or other community members may volunteer to work at the camp on this day. Contact the Ohio State University Extension office at 740-695-1455 for more information.

The next meeting will be held May 10.

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NORTH JACKSON, Ohio — The Jackson Milton Livestock 4-H club met March 27 at North Jackson Fire station.

The club recently held an election of officers: Deanna Ritchie, president; Nathan Suchy, vice president; Josh Kramer, secretary; Tara Balsinger, treasurer; and Greta Frost, Maggie Oblinger, and Amy Ritchie, reporters.

At the last meeting, members discussed the recent candle fundraiser conducted by Kristen Higgins; ideas for buyers’ gifts; and the quality assurance make-up date.

Some newer ideas discussed were the creation of a cookbook made by the members of the club; families helping new members; the creation of a phone committee; and creation of buyers’ gifts.

After discussing business, the club held species meetings.

The next meeting is 7 p.m. April 24 at North Jackson Fire Station.

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ELLSWORTH, Ohio — At the April meeting of the Western Reserve Rangers, Fred Criss from the Canfield Fair Livestock committee spoke about the fundraiser to update the scales for livestock weigh-in at the fair; $4,000 is needed.

Members who volunteered were asked to sell a book of five tickets. Each ticket is $5 with a chance to win one of four quarters of beef and hogs. Money is due by the Monday of the fair.

County Fashion Board Adviser Debbie Shrader said the meeting of the 2008 Fashion Board was April 17 at the Extension office.

Health and safety reports were given by Anna Marie Duda and Carl Blockingay. Amelia Shrader spoke about the military camp that will be held at Camp Ohio for inner-city kids.

Megan Day asked members to vote to offer a $100 scholarship to a member who wishes to attend junior camp at Camp Whitewood July 20-28. Members who had not attended before were encouraged to apply for the scholarship. The motion passed.

The next meeting is at 7 p.m. May 8 at the Ellsworth Fire Station.

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UHRICHSVILLE, Ohio — Several members of the Silver Spurs 4-H club attended a sheep workshop April 12 at Yeo Farms in Lowellville, Ohio. The group participated in a judging competition individually and as teams.

In the individual junior livestock judging competition, Ashley Host received a ribbon for second place; Jack Shuss for fifth; and Amy Caswell for eighth.

In team livestock judging, Jourdan Shrontz, Sara Shuss and Miranda Shrontz placed second; while Meagan Caswell and Emily Shuss received ribbons for third.

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WINTERSVILLE, Ohio — The Sunrise Rascals met recently in Bloomingdale, Ohio, with seven members present.

Enrollments and projects were checked.

A health talk was given by Tyler Bly on fleas; and a safety talk was given by Tyler McAfee on farm safety. Dustin McAfee gave a demonstration on ATV gear.

Quality assurance was April 23 at the joint vocational school; and tag-in is from 8-11 a.m. May 3 at the fairgrounds.

The next meeting is at 6:30 p.m. May 18 at the Boyds’ home.

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WINTERSVILLE, Ohio — The Country Classics met April 16 at Shriner’s Aladdin Land with 28 members in attendance.

Seven demonstrations were given and health and safety officer Bryan Ramsey gave a lightning safety quiz.

Recognition was given to eight members who are on the Jefferson County equine team and competed April 12 in Columbus.

The next meeting will be held at 7 p.m. May 21 at the Steubenville Saddle Club.

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CARROLLTON, Ohio — The Ridge Riders met April 9 at the Friendship Center in Carrollton with 16 attending.

Members discussed what they wanted to do at their workouts and they reread the constitution to vote about whether or not to wear helmets when showing in the cart.

Some members turned in their horse ID packets.

Books were handed out and paid for.

Demonstration were given by: Allison Clay, Abby Hallet, Kenny Joseph, Paige Krell,

Codi Perry, Harlee Perry, Kelsi Tullis, Abby Wanger and Sam Waltz.

The next meeting is at 6:30 p.m. May 14 at the Friendship Center.

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BELLAIRE, Ohio — The Ridge Riders of Bellaire, Ohio, met March 17 at the home of Jerod and Josh Crawford.

Members talked about their display at the Bellaire Public Library and Jerod gave a talk on avoiding stress.

The April meeting was set for April 21 at the home of Olivia Tranovich.

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CARROLLTON, Ohio — The Lucky Stars 4-H club met April 15 at the Petersburg-Union Township Hall with six members present.

The club voted to sponsor a contest and went over news and notes, including the frozen food pick-up date. Officer training was also discussed, in addition to projects being taken.

The next meeting is at 6 p.m. April 29 at the Petersburg-Union Township Hall.

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CARROLLTON, Ohio — The A-Z 4-H club met April 4 at the Perry Township Hall with nine members attending.

Possession of all fair animals is May 15 and tag-in is May 17.

Discussion included meeting with buyers for projects; and old business included life share from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. May 10.

Bingo was held April 19 at the nursing home.

The next meeting is at 7 p.m. May 1 at the Perry Township Hall.

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CARROLLTON, Ohio — The M-Town Clovers met April 12 at Sheri’s Sweets with 14 members in attendance.

Members got to tour Sheri’s Sweets and see how buckeye candies are made. Samples were given out, too.

The next meeting is at 6:30 p.m. May 6 at Minerva Bicentennial Park.

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NEWCOMERSTOWN, Ohio — The Buckhorn Tribe 4-H club welcomed new advisers and members at its last meeting April 6.

New club advisers are Ryan and Christie Green with Jeff and Marianne Burrier. New members are Mackenzie Hursey, Lance Green, Justin Green and Kate Montgomery.

The club’s new officers are Woody Burrier, president; Matt Hursey, vice president; Josh Green, treasurer; Mackenzie Hursey, secretary; Erin Burrier, recreation; Allison Kenney, health and safety; and Doug Dorsey, news reporter.

Members voted to sponsor a plaque for the Tuscarawas County Fair for the hog weight class. The club will again help at the Relay for Life in June. Other community services and club outings were discussed.

There are only two quality assurance meetings left. Everyone taking a livestock project needs to attend at least one. These dates are April 24 and May 8.

Members selected their projects and enrollment cards were filled out. lt was announced that Mitch Osso was selected to be a 4-H camp counselor and Doug Dorsey was selected to be on the Jr. fair board.

Demonstration was done by Woody Burrier on how to downhill ski safely.

The next meeting will be May 4 at 1 p.m.

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