BURTON, Ohio — The Breeders and Feeders 4-H club will hold its annual club camp-out meeting Aug. 13, 3 p.m., at Memory Lake. Camp counselors are planning games such as tug-a-war, water balloon toss, egg toss and more. Guests should bring a covered dish, swim suit and food donations for Geauga Hunger Task. Pig set up is Aug. 20 at 8 a.m. Each junior fair exhibitor needs to bring snacks that are individually wrapped. Items can be dropped off the day of the sale at the livestock sales office starting at noon or the small animal tent. Help is needed setting up and tearing down the small animal tent and the arena Sept. 3 for the junior fair livestock auction.

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BURTON, Ohio — Geauga Prime Time members met July 19 at the Geauga County Fairgrounds. Members with livestock projects were reminded to frequently change bedding and water for animals in the heat. Members also reviewed the new T-shirt design and color, which is pink. The club will host a picnic at a member’s house, after the fair, for members to enjoy a casual get-together.

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NEW MANCHESTER, W.Va. — Hancock County 4-H Camp 2016 was held at Tomlinson Run State Park July 19-23 with the theme, “4-H Makes Winners in the Game of Life!” In all, 72 campers participated. Representatives from the Hancock Co. Sheriff’s Department and the New Manchester Fire Department spoke to campers about the dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, and living a healthy lifestyle.

Daniel Mayfield, a 4-H alumni, talked about his recent trip with WVU 4-H to Vietnam and Cambodia. Serving as chiefs and sags at camp this summer were: Cherokee Tribe: William Thompson and Lacie Growe; Delaware Tribe: Jayson Chappell and Ty Biela; Mingo Tribe: Sean Growe and Wyatt Strum; Seneca Tribe: Audrey Malcomb and Olivia Arneault ;Big Foot Tribe: Joe Blake and Pat Ford.

Four new 4-H members earned their charting pins: Ty Biela, Devin Kniszek, Audrey Malcomb and Shaina Scheetz. The other top awards (H’s and Spirit) were given to: Head H: Audrey Malcomb; Heart H: MacKenzie Moore; Hands H: Jayson Chappell; Health H: Wyatt Strum; Spirit of Camp: Sean Grow.