WATERFORD, Ohio — Clayton Campbell, of the Waterford FFA chapter, was awarded the State FFA Degree at the 88th Ohio FFA Convention in Columbus. Campbell is the son of Chris and Lisa Campbell of Waterford and his agricultural education instructor and FFA adviser is Matt Hartline.

Clayton Campbell of Waterford FFA

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SULLIVAN, Ohio — The Black River FFA participated in the Sullivan Memorial Day parade and celebratory activities. Members helped prepare for the event by placing American flags along the parade route. In addition, the group rode along the float pulled by chapter vice president, Eric Cordonnier. The following members participated: Brandon and Hannah Heath, Madison Edwards, Jarrett Foster, Mandy and Ella Yoder, John Bricker, Scott Jeffery, Sierra Sturgill, Hailee Baker, Tony Strojin, Callee Aviles, and Meghan Gallagher. Also representing the Black River FFA Chapter was Joey Rochford, who drove his 1998 Dodge Cummins 2500 truck, and Madison Stuart and Hannah McKenzie who followed the float on their horses.

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WELLINGTON, Ohio — The Wellington FFA chapter held its annual banquet May 13. State degree recipients Kaylie Goins and Tabbi Spreng were recognized. Proficiency awards were given to Goins in agricultural services placement; Alex Fehlan in beef production entrepreneurship; Miranda McDonnell in dairy production entrepreneurship; Colton Shelton in equine science placement; and Bailey Wise in swine production entrepreneurship.

Wellington FFA award winners
Wellington FFA Star award winners include Bailey Wise, Star Agribusinessman Award; Alex Fehlan, Star Chapter award; and Dylan Andolsek, Star Greenhand award.

The chapter also awarded the top members in both the strawberry and citrus fundraiser, which were Hannah Staffeld and McDonnell. The freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior scholarship awards went to Troy Cole, Faith Alley, Jennifer Frombaugh, and Olivia Bradstock, respectively. The outstanding member awards went to freshman Kyle Pitts, sophomore Sarah Park, junior McDonnell, and senior Spreng. Star awards were presented to Bailey Wise, Star Agribusinessman, and Alex Fehlan, Star Chapter Farmer. The Greenhand Award was won by Dylan Andolsek. The What Took You So Long Award was presented to Jacob Wadsworth, the Dekalb Award winner was Goins, and the Ag Credit 110% award winner was Brianna Walter.

The FT Price Jr. Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Goins, who will be attending Wilmington College in the fall. The 2016-2017 officer team includes Wise, president; Whitney Cole, vice president; Frombaugh, secretary; McDonnell, treasurer; Emily Gilbert, reporter; Fehlan, historian; Thorn, sentinel; and Andolsek, student adviser.

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LOUDONVILLE, Ohio — The Loudonville FFA attended the State FFA Convention May 5-6 in Columbus, with State Degree recipients Donivan Switzer, Hannah Purdy and Morgan Kline.
Science fair participants were Caleb Brightbill, Hayden Brightbill, Maggie Teel, Sarah Felgar, Josh Book, Jacob Wittel and Nicole McFaddden. All agriscience fair participants received first or second place in their divisions. During the opening session, Loudonville received a certificate for a donation to the Children’s Hospital.

Chapter members Hannah Brightbill and Leah Carnegie participated in the state choir, and during one of the sessions, member Caleb Brightbill crossed the stage to be recognized for his first place in junior dairy judging. During the last session, Kline,  Switzer and Purdy received their State FFA Degree.

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PALMYRA Ohio — The Southeast FFA chapter held its annual petting zoo and tractor safety day May 25. Fourth-graders came for farm day and participated in three activities — learning about tractor safety, learning about the animals, and participating in a coloring contest. The younger students could also try the pedal tractor pulls and visit with the 14 animals and 12 tractors present at Farm Day. The chapter also received a Farm Credit grant for $2,500 which will be used to pave the nature trail.