S&M Farm Repair customizes to customers


business profile NORTH JACKSON, Ohio — S&M Farm Repair, of North Jackson, Ohio, has been repairing tillage tools, corn planters and grain drills since 2011. The company also sells vertical tillage tools, “Perfect Plants” closing wheels and rolling baskets.

“Perfect Plants” closing wheels were added to the sales product line after extensive testing and modification.

Product testing

Owner/operator Gerald Milo said they added the “Perfect Plants” system after extensive testing and modification.

“We collaborated with Remlinger Manufacturing in order to devise a method for attaching rolling baskets to our vertical tillage tools for improved chopping and a better seed bed,” said Milo.

The company, which employs three people, hopes to expand beyond local sales to help small farmers across the nation.


Milo said vertical tillage tools are becoming more popular due to their effectiveness, so he expects many more small farmers to come to them.

The company hopes to be able to educate more farmers about the benefits of its vertical tillage systems, which can make smaller farmers more profitable with greater fuel efficiency.

“Being a small company, we have a lot of farmer to farmer interaction, and our collaboration with Remlinger and our repair service have set us apart from other companies, and allow us to customize tools to our customers,” said Milo.

Contact. Anyone interested in learning more can reach S&M Farm Repair at 330-719-6106. You can also email miloghomes@cs.com or visit sandmfarms.com.

The company is open by appointment only.