Thursday, December 5, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "alfalfa"

Tag: alfalfa

There are practices you can implement to reduce the risk of frost heaving. Two prevention strategies focus on increasing residue and minimizing bare soil.

Managing weeds in seedling alfalfa can significantly reduce those stand losses and preserve the quantity and quality of the first and subsequent cuttings.

With forage shortages throughout much of the nation, farmers considering crops for prevented plant acres should look to alfalfa.

Many producers are now seeing the results of winter injury to alfalfa because of the harsh 2018-2019 winter. Learn how to assess the damage in your fields.

As we approach an ideal time to establish alfalfa, Jeff Stachler asks, "have you thought about what needs to be done to successfully establish alfalfa?"

Weeds can also be a problem if they were not properly managed prior or just after seeding the alfalfa.

The National Alfalfa & Forage Alliance released the 2019 edition of its popular Alfalfa Variety Ratings.

Rainy days have made hay and forage harvesting a challenge, but have also kept the crop growing.

A cold start to spring had some farmers worried about the hay crop, but warm weather in May has the crop maturing fast.

When stands of established alfalfa get thinner weeds become a problem. The presence of poisonous weeds are of greatest concern in established alfalfa.