Friday, May 3, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "livestock"

Tag: livestock

Making decisions about replacement heifers will be the subject of the next Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council webinar June 23, at 1 p.m. CST.

Feeding enough protein to meet lactation requirements means knowing target protein yield and determining the availability of protein in feeds.

Over 250 breeds of cattle are recognized throughout the world. Learn to identify the most common dairy breeds in the United States.

Antimicrobials that you may have purchased in the past as over-the-counter for your feeding program will now require a VFD from your Veterinarian of Record.

Backyard chickens can be a great addition to your backyard, but proper care is a must.

Poison hemlock is not the only plant that you should be on the lookout for. Jimsonweed, pokeweed and black locust are potentially poisonous to livestock.

Black vulture range and population numbers have expanded in the last 30 years resulting in increased property damage and livestock and pet depredation.

A properly built and well-maintained fence can last a long time. A maintenance program can help you stay on schedule with routine fence checks and repairs.

The Ashtabula County Cattlemen's Association hosted the 20th Annual Joe Bodnar Memorial Northern Classic Steer and Heifer Show.

In the ideal world, they need to be able to hold in or deter livestock, but be able to allow water and debris to pass during periods of high water.