Saturday, May 18, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "winter"

Tag: winter

Kymberly Foster Seabolt has grown from the too cool to prepare for cool weather to being completely ensconced in down and wool from head to toe.

Before the snow starts to fly, take time to plant some native evergreens that will benefit local wildlife and keep your interest this winter.

We were brought up with the realization that everything had a cost, even if it could not be figured in dollars and cents.

A bird feeder is a window into the world of wild bird behavior. It can entertain and educate curious birdwatchers for hours.

Old time farmers always said that in February, it thaws a little each day. It is music to my ears now, but as a kid, February was a really great month to be frozen over.

Livestock producers should make sure animals have adequate shelter, water, dry bedding and feed to make it through cold spells

U.S. farmers planted the second lowest number of winter wheat acres on record and 10 percent fewer acres than 2016-2017.

It’s difficult to tell the strength of ice simply by its appearance, its thickness, the temperature outside or whether or not it’s covered with snow.

Right now, wood frogs are frozen solid. The body is rigid, breathing ceases and the heart stops beating. They have perfected the cryogenic freezing process. They are literally "frogsicles."

Eat in-season during winter by growing food indoors, using season-extending structures and supplementing with food from the cellar, pantry and freezer.