Ask FSA Andy By FSA Andy


Hello Again!

Congratulations to all the newly elected and re-elected county committee members. Their responsibilities begin immediately, as the first official meeting this month will require the necessary tasks to organize the new committee.

Of most importance, they will nominate a committee adviser to speak on behalf of under-represented groups.

Currently, the committee consists of three to five elected members who are responsible for the administration of federal farm programs. As you can only imagine, this is no easy task with changes occurring constantly. There is a tremendous amount of pressure on the committee to keep current with these changes and make fair, unbiased decisions.

With every decision made, the committee’s first priority is to treat every farmer fairly. To ensure the Farm Service Agency policies are carried out fairly, a diverse committee system, which is representative of our diverse agricultural community, is essential. Therefore, if the three to five elected members do not represent any minority groups in the county or area, an adviser must be appointed.

A committee advisor needs to be active in the farming community and willing to serve on the committee for a one-year term. His/her duties will be to assist the county committee in discussions and provide insight for under-represented farmers.

Other duties include, but are not limited to, assisting the committee with: employing the office manager and directing day-to-day operations; making policy decisions and recommending changes to the state committee; developing and carrying out active outreach programs; promoting good working relationships with other agricultural agencies and the public, as well as ensuring that farmers and the public understand FSA programs.

If you, or someone you know, are interested in improving the program delivery system to under-represented groups, contact your local office immediately. All of us at FSA appreciate the voters for taking the time to complete the election ballot.

To see the results for your area, simply visit your local FSA office. The county committee system works only because of your participation. Thank you.

That’s all for now,

FSA Andy

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