Thursday, February 6, 2025
Stark County Fair livestock auction

14-year-old Chase Snyder bought fellow 4-H member, Christian Pernell's reserve champion rabbit meat pen at the Stark County Fair, Sept. 2

For more than 100 years, Cleveland's West Side Market has helped bring fresh foods to the city.
Musser family farm sinking

The Musser family is losing ground on their farm after subsidence struck earlier this summer. Since then, acreage has dwindled and it has meant changes in the dairy operation to keep it going.

Allie Loftis didn't grow up on a farm, but she found one to help house her livestock projects.

Community Supported Agriculture, or CSAs, have grown in Ohio in the past 10 years. But the concept may be reaching critical mass, according to Brad Bergefurd, OSU Extension state horticulture specialist.

For the past two decades, the Stacy Family Farm has been both a family and a community affair.

The Lake to River Food Hub of Youngstown is working to tie farmers, food and the community together.

The second in our Women in Agriculture series: It is much easier for women to be involved in agriculture than it was 30 years ago when Judy Ligo was starting out. “You had to work your way in and prove you knew what you were doing.”

Promoting the quality of a farm’s product, according to Sam Hawk, is every bit as important as the day-to-day production work. Hawk has no problem discussing his passion for farming.

Esselburn family is committed to education, agriculture, careers and country.

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