Sunday, May 19, 2024
Around the Table

Around the Table

Spend Smart. Eat Smart. App

The “Spend Smart. Eat Smart.” app can help you calculate unit price in order to compare similar products to get the best value and save money.
pickled cucumbers

It’s that time of year again — time to put up your garden goods or say goodbye to whatever is left.
glass of milk

Adding vanilla to sweetened milk makes consumers think the beverage is sweeter, allowing the amount of added sugar to be reduced.
dry pasta

Linguine. Manicotti. Penne. Ziti. Cavatappi. That’s not even close to half of the various types of pasta available.

The latest Annual Report to the Nation on the Status of Cancer finds that cancer death rates continue to decline in men, women and children in the U.S.

Produce is fresher and has its best taste when it ripens in its natural growth cycle. Find out what's in season in Ohio and surrounding states during fall.
basket of vegetables

Have more tomatoes than you can handle? Jen recommends several ways to use 'em up, plus she offers a vegetable recipe you're sure to love.
boy drinking from water bottle

According to a new study, drinking more water and fewer sugary drinks is associated with lower caloric intake in kids, teens, and young adults.
peanut butter bread

Use these simple, healthy lunch-packing tips to avoid foodborne illness this school year.
kitchen table

Farm and Dairy reader Lynne Almasy shares all the reasons she's grateful for her kitchen table as she prepares to serve another Thanksgiving feast there.