Sunday, May 5, 2024

Dairy farmers can tour two Ashtabula County farms Sept. 8.
Ohio State Extension site

Make a resolution to use Ohio State University Extension resources to help you be successful in 2021 and beyond.

The tax season is a great time to focus on the fiscal management of your farm operation and to check in on your estate plan.

Farming was, is and always will be risky. Managers can reduce the uncertainty of their decisions through more and better information.

Weather conditions have been highly variable this summer. As I drive through northeast Ohio and western Pennsylvania, I see beautiful fields of corn, and a few miles away I see drought-stunted fields where it looks like corn is already dying.

It may seem a long way off, especially as you are managing the fall harvest, but winter will be here before we know it and along with it comes a variety of outstanding Extension workshops and educational seminars to help you be a better dairy producer.

Who wants to be a millionaire? If we are talking about owning dollars, lots of people would volunteer. If we are talking about milk...

OSU Extension northeast Ohio district dairy specialist Diane Shoemaker writes about the OSU trip through Arizona to the Western Dairy Management Conference.

The future of every successful dairy operation depends on a steady supply of healthy, productive replacement heifers calving between 22 and 24 months of age.

Steve, his mom and I drove to the airport in Cleveland June 30 with our oldest son, Austen and put him on an airplane...