Saturday, May 18, 2024

Tim Demland writes about the Ohio Dairy Industry Forum's celebration and kick-off of June Dairy Month.

America can do more to expand the dairy export markets.

This spring has been more stressful than most. With what seemed like endless rain and critical planting decisions to be made with imperfect information, I don’t think there is a farmer in Ohio who didn’t experience more stress this spring than during an ordinary planting season.

Most dairy producers were glad to see 2009 come to a close and are looking forward to a better dairy economy this year. Even...

This year's colder-than-usual weather reinforces the need to be prepared.

Terry Beck, OSU agricultural extension agent in Wayne County and a member of OSU's DairyExcel team, writes on making a new employee's first few days on the farm a positive experience.

Weather conditions have been highly variable this summer. As I drive through northeast Ohio and western Pennsylvania, I see beautiful fields of corn, and a few miles away I see drought-stunted fields where it looks like corn is already dying.

Dairy expert Dianne Shoemaker warns farmers not to make any rash purchases even though they may have a few more dollars in their pockets.

By the time you read this column, the reality of the current dairy economics will be hitting you like a brick. The January Class...

Steve, his mom and I drove to the airport in Cleveland June 30 with our oldest son, Austen and put him on an airplane...