Friday, May 3, 2024

Ernie Oelker reports on farm research involving liquid dairy manure as a nitrogen source for no-till corn.

Manure management is one of the biggest challenges facing livestock producers today. Manure management issues are complex, involve interactions between animals, soils, plants and humans, and can be highly emotional.

Integrated dairy farms producing a large amount of the feeds consumed by their cows have a distinct cash flow advantage. This should be very good to Midwestern dairy producers in the long run.

With the new year upon us, now is a great time to make those yearly resolutions to get the farm financial records organized.

The trip was off to a good start. Made good time to the Pittsburgh airport, narrowly missing the 100,000 people the shuttle driver said would be converging on the airport to see the Air Force Air Show at 1 p.

You may not consider yourself a large corporation, but completing a regular SWOT analysis of your farm or agricultural business can be beneficial to keep you competitive.

Ernie Oelker, agricultural extension agent in Columbiana County, compares economic value of nitrogen fertilizers with using livestock manure as nutrient.

Beginning in 2012, a little discussed mandate in the health care reform legislation will require any business -- including a farm -- that purchases more than $600 of goods or services from another business or individual to submit a 1099 tax from to the Internal Revenue Service.

What a difference a year has made. Last year we were in the middle of one of the nicest spring planting seasons on record. Now, this year's spring is making a run for the record books as one of our all time worst springs.

Don't brag about yourself, what you do or what you have accomplished. While this is surely a directive in some weighty volume of proper behavior, the referenced behavior is that of individuals - not the necessary behavior of a vital, exciting, important industry.