Sunday, May 5, 2024

If there is anything to be learned from the third grade it is that I have long suspected, but only recently proven, that teachers go into the educational profession not because they love children, but rather, because they hate parents.

Columnist Kymberly Foster Seabolt discusses the hidden side of parenting... the one fraught with anxiety.

(Authors note: Names and locations have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent and any resemblance to anyone living or annoying is purely coincidental.

Columnist Kym Seabolt didn't catch that Olympic fever

There’s a thin line between insanity and coping with your daughter dating. Our son is 16 and has begun to date a sweet and lovely...

Are we really doomed to see a return of leg warmers and Big Hair? Columnist Kymberly Foster Seabolt says once killed, a fashion trend should stay dead.

Kymberly Foster Seabolt details how Halloweens have changed since her children have entered college. What happened to the candy tax?

I admit it. I love Christmas. I'm not jaded, exhausted or "relieved that it's over." There is no bah humbug here. I'm in no...

My husband and I are polar opposites in many, if not most, ways. He is athletic. I have two left feet and no more...

It was 9 balmy degrees. This was up from the low of zero midday.