Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Ohio farmland

According to Alan Guebert, crazy seems to be exactly how business is done in American agriculture today.

When it comes to traditional holidays, Kymberly Foster Seabolt's family tends to like traditional foods.
jingle bells

Judith Sutherland shares how excited her grandson was to take a ride on The Polar Express recently.
turkey head

Anyone who has ever tried to look at a wild turkey knows they have incredible eyesight. One moment you're looking at one; then you blink, and it's gone.
Farm Science Review beans

The land grant colleges teach agriculture, mechanics and military science. Learn how the Morrill Acts of 1862 and 1890.
corn kernels and dollar bills

Learn how to understand Cost Control: Operating Expense Ratio as defined by The Ohio State University Dairy Excel 15 Measures of Dairy Farm Competitiveness.

Aaron Dodds recalls a special Thanksgiving when planting a scraggly tree had the power to replace his grandfathers' aliments with intrigue and joy.

Marlin Clark offers a Midwest harvest update, as well as, insight into current conditions affecting commodity prices in the U.S. grain markets.
1924 cattle slaughtered

In 1924, a foot-and-mouth outbreak rocked California and the U.S. Diseases, like African Swine Fever, are grabbing current headlines. We need better traceability. Now.

According to Marlin Clark, the big question when grain buyers meet is simple: where is the corn? Find a full update on grain prices in his column this week.