Saturday, May 4, 2024
Newcomen steam engine

Learn more about the Newcomen engines, called "Fire Engines," which were used to pump water from British mines.
Anna's hummingbird

Hummingbirds' tiny size, iridescent colors, acrobatic flying and eagerness to use nectar feeders make them one of America's favorite backyard birds.
electric fence

Learn more about the main components found in electric fencing systems to get the most out of your investment.
reading glasses and pill cases

Kymberly Foster Seabolt swears it takes a strict diet and a team of medical and fitness professionals to keep her feeling half as good as she did at 20.
farmer in wheat field

Giving up on news of a deal with China, the grain market is now starting to talk about delayed planting. The latest from our fearless grain commentator Marlin Clark.
sunset with ducks

Bill Thompson III, editor and co-publisher of Bird Watcher’s Digest, passed away March 25 as a result of stage 4 pancreatic cancer.
BoyWonder repairing his vehicle

Following BoyWonder's recent brush with catastrophe, Kymberly Foster Seabolt reflects on what kept him safe and got him through the incident.

You are on a roll for identifying our antique finds, Will this week be the week we finally stump you? Hazard your guess in comments.
Easter eggs

This Easter will be the first that Alan Guebert will not be with or speak to his family's older generations, so he remembers the ones he spent with them.

Holding regular, consistent farm business meetings are a tool to promote and facilitate communication and build trust within the farm business.