Saturday, May 4, 2024

A month ago I enjoyed a church dinner in the gymnasium of the grade school I attended 50 years ago. Back then, the gym sparkled with newness because, like the school itself, it was brand new, finished just weeks before I reported to the first grade as an equally new student.

Years ago, a little girl by the name of Virginia, posed a rather simplistic question that has lived on far beyond anyone's expectations. Perhaps...

Every December I get requests to reprint my version of 'Twas the Night before Christmas I first published in 1988. Merry Christmas everyone!

As the year winds down I would like to remind you that the Farm Service Agency offices have a The Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments Program yields and rates for 2010 crops. SURE is available for crop losses due to natural disasters.

We rarely think of ourselves as having interesting stories, as we just live it out, day by day, often bored with the humdrum beat of making a living while creating a life. There is something about the enormity of this season, though, that prompts us to look back, to take stock of where we've been.

When I get too caught up in the running, buying, doing and utter delight we all seem to take in exclaiming the "stress" of...

Do you ever get in a rut? I don't mean like in your field or yard. The "rut" I'm talking about Webster describes as "a usual or fixed practice, a monotonous routine."

They say it takes all kinds to make the world, and the adage is all about people. Look around the mall, watch TV or check out the Internet and you find ready evidence of the individuality of individuals.

It's show time, a sure sign that winter is on the slide, daylight is returning, and a new year of outdoor sports will emerge from its snow covered den eventually.

Why do bad things happen to good people? And what are the rest of us supposed to do now?