Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Ohio hunters fed a lot of people in recent months by participating in the Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry program. From last winter's...

I CAREThere is no question about it. There are still many people in many places who still care about others. I have heard it...

Biologists love to see species they have never seen before. The best places to see endemic species (those that occur only in isolated geographic...

Was it magic? Was it time-lapse photography? Was it a mirage? How is it that the thicket -- my jungle to the west --...

Politicians are so good at the muddled math of their budget game that they can turn the equation upside down and make it work in reverse: $1 of budget savings today can be legislated into $2 of tax cuts tomorrow.

Crop progress? Good temperatures now will still give us a normal crop. This will mostly be true for next week, then we go downhill fast.

Those who would decry animal research of any kind are actually hurting future care, health, and treatment of the very animals they proclaim to protect.

It's a great time to think about employee motivation. Dark, rainy, muddy days make for long work days around the farm.

Twas' an hour before the big Easter dinner and all through the house, not a creature was stirring except me as I was finishing...

Seventy years ago, the first of many millions of Jeeps saw the light of day. The origin of the sturdy little vehicles, which were...