Sunday, May 5, 2024

When I was a kid music class consisted of a set of finger cymbals and a teacher who was valiant in her efforts to...

Hello Again!As I pulled out of the lane today I was in awe of the beautiful ice-covered trees and fresh white covering of snow...

Some phrases just make the heart flutter. “Call the vet,” was one that always tripped my father’s ticker. “Level the playing field of trade,”...

Hunters and birders may seem unlikely allies, but they share many of the same conservation goals. One is maintaining healthy populations of birds and...

(Author’s Note: The following story is the only work of fiction I’ve ever written and was originally published in the Farm and Dairy on...

Hello Again!Well, what a week of hunting stories. It has been so much fun listening to them. The best one happened on our farm....

In a box on the bottom shelf of the pie safe are my mother's columns for Farm and Dairy, dating back to 1952.She was...

Happy holidays to all of our northeast Ohio and northwest Pennsylvania dairy farmers. It is hard to believe that 2010 is coming to a...

"God is in the roses, the petals and the thorns, storms out on the oceans, the souls who will be born. And every drop...

I remember as a kid the best part of our family reunion was catching "crawdads" with my cousins in the creek. I didn't know...