Saturday, May 18, 2024

Each week Farm and Dairy challenges readers to identify a small tool or gadget.

David Marrison urges farmers to deal with low commodity prices by reevaluating fixed costs, advocating for agriculture and staying informed.

Even as producers are digging in their marketing heels, the market is actually giving back some of the gains we have seen over the last month and a half.
Kym Seabolt's furniture

Kym Seabolt's children are growing up and moving out. She reflects on how their spaces in her house have changed, but the meaning of home hasn't.

School trips should visit family farms, not CAFOs.

In March 1939, I was still five months away from my sixth birthday and one more from my first year in a one-room country...

Life is made up of a million and one ordinary days, but into this mix are sprinkled some truly momentous moments, usually spread out with wonderful harmony and the balance of time.

Marlin Clark breaks down the USDA supply and demand report that came and went last week, and how changes in the numbers could affect the trading.

A quick-fix, cost-cutting increase in income. Have your attention? Well, it is not a single quick fix, but a more sustainable, long-term decrease in expenses and increase in income can be yours if your heifers do not currently freshen at 24 months or less, ready to walk into the barn, grow and compete.

Hello from Hazard! Faithful Hazard-ite Joseph Betz of Library, Pa., was the only one to proffer a guess on Item No. 829. He has something similar...