Saturday, May 18, 2024

"The best way to keep children at home is to make home a pleasant atmosphere -- and to let the air out of the...

If you list the top 100 things President George W. Bush will complete before noon Jan. 20, the World Trade Organization’s Doha Development Round...

A brain teaser is meant to challenge or stimulate. So, the Dairy Brain Teaser is used to stimulate our thinking and provide some valuable...

With bird seed prices at record highs, resentment toward unwanted visitors at backyard feeders is likely to increase this winter. Who wants to spend...

The soybean harvest is dragging along and corn harvest is having trouble getting fired up. Meanwhile, there is no enthusiasm for the crop in...

Reading the daily horoscope is always good for a laugh, especially when it predicts wonderful romantic encounters plus great wealth and adventurous travel.Mine for...

Each week Farm and Dairy challenges readers to identify a small tool or gadget.

My daughter is standing before me, crying. She is also limping and dragging her foot in a way that implies she might, in fact,...

Listening to politicians discuss our energy challenges in this country, coal as a power source comes up again and again. It makes me feel...

The Bigelow's Scotch terrier was the first thing I spotted when I got out of our van. Frolicking among the company who gathered at...