Monday, May 6, 2024
Clardale manure pit

Whether or not a producer has a plan in place when a water contamination incident occurs, local soil and water personnel are there to help.

Spring vacations to Cape May offer many opportunities for bird watchers.

We received several guesses on Item No. 1226. Can you confirm which is correct? Also, take a guess at our newest unidetified antique item.

I cannot believe that February is already half over. I know local farmers are working hard to finish up their farm taxes and are...
bats in shavers creek

Over the last 10 years, bat populations have decreased due to white-nose syndrome. Fortunately, they may be developing a resistance to the fungal disease.
prairie flowers

Moving to a rural place, engaging with the seasons, the animals under her care, the weather, and the land have all helped Eliza Blue feel more harmonious.
migrant workers pick strawberries

The Congressional split portends little compromise on most issues over the next two years and all but guarantees inaction on any immigration reform.

The following is a detailed list of the important steps to control human scent, the biggest give-away that alarms deer and usually sends them running.

Generally, I shun technology. Fear it, even. I am still using a circa 1997 computer because, quite frankly, I'm scared to death of having to approach some 17-year-old employee at the equivalent of a "Techno Toys "R" Us" and showcase my pathetic ignorance.

You always wonder, on the first day of daylight-saving time, whether anyone will sheepishly arrive at church just as the service is ending.