Sunday, May 19, 2024

There are circumstances that come to shape us, both the paths we choose, and those chosen for us.

From endless DIY projects to making memories with family, Kymberly Foster Seabolt hopes to not be done living for a very, very long time.

Reader says articles need to stop simply pointing fingers at the deer farmers, and instead, talk about the background.
ohio farm

Has 2021 been a great year for farmers? Some parts, yes, and others, no, Sandy Smith explains in this week's All About Grazing Column.

Before cooking was a hobby, it meant surviving.

Each week Farm and Dairy challenges readers to identify a small tool or gadget.

Columnist Alan Guebert thinks WTO negotiators could find the way to their goals through policies as simple and as proven as the good old wheel.

Before rural America loses an eye to campaign mudballs, election year slime and rose-colored lies, let's go where farm and ranch voters rarely venture.

Do you think the witness protection program offers a new wardrobe? More importantly, can I enroll before I have to appear in anything "dressier" than Santa print PJs for the holidays? Not asking for much.

My column two weeks ago about Cyclone seeders brought a couple of interesting responses (I love email - it's so fast and easy to...