Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Too many farms don’t have reliable systems in place to capture numbers that can help their bottom line. And sometimes, all it takes to track those numbers are 30 seconds, says OSU Extension Specialist Dianne Shoemaker.

MPP-Dairy is more a partial protection against catastrophic losses than an effective risk management tool.

Economic losses related to mastitis is estimated to be around $2 billion each year in the U.S.

For many, it’s ‘out of the box’ thinking to consider having someone outside the family assume the ownership and management of a farm, but it may be a viable option to consider.
Jersey dairy freestall barn

Milk producers are facing tight margins with today's low milk prices. Feed costs are certainly in the crosshairs, but all of the dollars are not disappearing into the feed mixer.

The USDA might be the entity that calculates component prices, but you are the one who determines how much of each component your cows are producing.

2014's milk prices were really nice. 2015's not so much.
dairy freestall barn

Milk prices are lower than they were a year ago, so marginal income over feed costs are going to be lower this year compared to last year. We really need to be managing input costs and feed efficiency on dairy farms.

Top sellers and solid, reliable milkers don’t just happen after a random mating between a great bull and cow, they require carefully planned genetic pairings and a lot of trial and error.

In some cases, we are collecting more information electronically on dairy farms than we know how to effectively use.