Tuesday, April 16, 2024
rain barrel

Ohio has seen its fair share of rain so far this summer. A rain barrel is one way to recycle rain for multiple uses around your home.
muddy garden

Rain is a good thing, especially when it comes to growing plants. But too much rain can ruin a garden.
blackberries, raspberries, blueberries

This summer, take advantage of the variety of the fresh fruits and vegetables available at farmers markets, roadside stands and in grocery stores.
vegetables in garden

Whether you have limited planting space or limited time to sow second and third crops, grow-again vegetables produce higher yields with less work.
deer, rabbit and chipmunk

If you’re frustrated with the damage that insects and wildlife do to your garden, consider buying repellents or making repellents at home with simple ingredients.

Providing pollinators with food, water and shelter supports strong plant production; plus you get to enjoy the beauty that hummingbirds, bees, butterflies and other pollinators bring to your yard!
carrots and cabbage in garden

If gardening seem like an expensive hobby, check out these tips for saving money while you grow your own fruits, vegetables and flowers.
container garden collage

Container gardens can be grown anywhere by gardeners of all skill levels and ability.
pepper plants

Some birds can be a nuisance in the garden, but there are simple ways for gardeners to scare birds off and lessen the damage done to fruits and vegetables.
American flags

The U.S. Flag Code describes the appropriate ways to display the American flag for all occasions.