Sunday, May 5, 2024
dairy excel chart

Cows need to be culled when they become unprofitable or facilities are too full. Learn how to make these decisions efficiently.
christmas tree

There’s a way to enjoy the holidays and reduce their impact on the environment. If everyone does their part, we can all enjoy a more eco-friendly holiday.
Vayda hiking

No matter where you hike or for how long, unexpected injuries can happen and unanticipated dangers can crop up. That’s why you should always be prepared.

Roasted garlic can be used in many recipes, from dips and dressings to mashed potatoes and chicken.
snow covered car

Prepare your car for winter before the snow starts to fly.

Just because the food you packed in the morning comes back in the afternoon doesn’t mean it isn’t delicious. Work with your child to keep lunch healthy.
plants in trays

The cost of seeds and seedlings, soil amendments, pest and weed controls and tools can add up quickly.
flowers and trowel

December may be a quiet month for gardening, but indoor plants need care and there is planning that can be accomplished before the end of the year.
bottles of seeds

Having a difficult time finding that heirloom tomato you bought at a farmers market last summer? Why not attend a seed swap? And what better time to find a seed swap than National Seed Swap Day?

Coyote are active in fall, when grown pups break away from the family unit to hunt and stake out their own territory.