Saturday, May 4, 2024

Judith Sutherland reminisces about her grandparents and all their love built, beginning in a simple ceremony on Easter in 1931.

Judith Sutherland reminds readers there is no guarantee on the number of birthdays in a lifetime and encourages everyone to make each one count.
little girl with baby doll

Judith Sutherland's grandaughter transforms her living room into a doctor's office, farm, grocery store, kitchen and salon during an imaginative afternoon.
Duma trucks and flags

"Neither to serve nor to rule" was the motto that built our country and created steely individuals filled with deep determination, pride and integrity.

Judith Sutherland believes we must strike a balance, regardless of our impatience, treating those who are just starting out with decency and encouragement.

Everything from barn ball to pasture puck hockey served as a great foundation toward building a whole lot of strong kids.

As Judith Sutherland considers the Russian attack on Ukraine, she is reminded that sunflowers will forever be symbolic of standing tall and strong.
three brown tabby kittens

Judith Sutherland recalls being taught the virtue of patience during childhood and many situations where being patient paid off.
spring sunrise with flower

Judith Sutherland looks back on a head injury she suffered eight years ago with gratitude, realizing it could have been worse.

It wasn't until Judith Sutherland's freshman year of high school that the school board changed the dress code to allow girls to wear pants to school.