Friday, September 20, 2024
Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

Editor: The recent in-depth economic analysis by Mark Stephenson of National Milk's "Dairy Security Act," which was introduced by Rep. Collin Peterson (D-Minn.), brings to...

Editor: Taxpayers on the hook for $3 billion to push small dairy farms out of business? The proposed cure is worse than the disease. The...

One might ask why Kasich has given ODNR the right to go on a witch hunt for Ohio animal owners. ODNR can come to your home, search your barns and house because someone says you raise exotic animals.

We write to encourage citizens in the United School district to vote yes for United's future and support the 3.92 bond issue.

Editor:I am writing about Keith Campbell's letter. I do not think we should ban all exotic animals, but why do we need to keep...

Editor:This November we have an opportunity to make an investment in our community and our future by passing the 3.92 mill bond issue that...

Editor:Well, it's almost time to vote on the new school project. We have been given the opportunity to learn the facts on the bond...

We, in the agricultural community, would like to remind you that every day is "food day" and celebrating should be done with each meal, whether the food comes from your garden, farmers market, grocery store or the local food pantry.

Editor:Tuesday, Oct. 19. The weather today -- gray, overcast with rain. The headline -- Exotic Animals Roaming Ohio.When I first heard the news late...

Are there more facts we should know (about the United Local Schools levy)? Enrollment is declining, as is tax revenue collected, while schooling expenses are going up. Is this a healthy trend or a formula for disaster? Voters, you decide.