Tenacious groups will fight to protect future residents
Editor:For many months, a few good, caring people have been trying to get the public to realize the consequences of fracking. They gather in...
Let’s set the record straight
Jeff Herrick, manager of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources' Division of Wildlife District Three, responds to a Nov. 29 letter on Ohio wildlife management.
Mega farm flaws
Mega dairies cannot exist without cheap labor and the exploitation of the environment.
Letter: Independent cattlemen finally represented at checkoff hearing
Dave Hyde recounts his trip to the Ohio Department of Agriculture to deliver testimony on why the Ohio Beef Marketing plan needed to be eliminated.
Government intervention gets failing grade
A reader comments on the Bush education policy that threatens new orgies of spending, legislating, centralizing, and reforming.
Bush didn’t cause all U.S. problems
Reader says you can't point to the current administration for all of this country's current woes.
Evicting fair board is cheating youth of opportunity
Kellie L. Turner, a 4-H club adviser from Stow, Ohio, shares her frustration with the injustice she feels would be done to young people if the fair is evicted from the Summit County Fairgrounds.
Egypt Valley is a government wasteland
A Farm and Dairy reader shares his thoughts on Egypt Valley Wildlife Refuge.
Wild and dangerous in Ohio
Editor:What lies ahead for Ohio's animal owners? What future do we have in this great state? What do the next four years hold for...
Columnist perpetuates family lore, but it’s just a myth
Family trees are often filled with more fiction than fact, observes reader Kevin Sherlock.