Saturday, May 4, 2024
Fairgoers walk around at the Canfield Fair.

The ODA released the official dates for the 2022 fair season, which includes Ohio's 94 county and independent fairs and the Ohio State Fair.
farmers market

Not all farmers like to spend a lot of time working online. But online sales and preorders are a big part of the business for some farms. That’s why Jake Grim launched Table Rock Markets, a website and company that allows farmers to take preorders for sales at farmers markets online.
ewe and lambs

Farming is often like dancing on the edge of a knife, and Rebecca Miller's winter lambing on the farm put that on full display.
decoy ducks

Vic Sutek of Columbiana County is just as passionate about duck hunting at 63 as he was at 18. Only one thing has changed — no more plastic decoys.
wooly bear

Can woolly bears predict a bad winter? Do cows lie down before rain? Does a large spider web mean cold weather? Find out if the folklores are true.
Homewood Historical Community Farm

2021 was a year full of ups and downs for agriculture — and the rest of the world. Here's a look back at some of the top stories we covered in 2021.
A man and and a woman stand in a pasture with a reindeer.

Rootstown Reindeer Farm started with a literal dream for Kellie and Mike Gregg. Now, it's well on the way to being a full-fledged agritourism farm.
christmas tree

There’s a way to enjoy the holidays and reduce their impact on the environment. If everyone does their part, we can all enjoy a more eco-friendly holiday.
livestock guardian dogs

Training is about the human, not the animal. Humans like things to be easy, and we’ll let a situation or behavior slide, because it’s working.
manure nutrient recovery research

Theresa Dirksen, Mercer County Ag Solutions coordinator, has been working with livestock producers, in Mercer County, Ohio, to remove manure phosphorus.