A roundup of 4-H news for the week of June 6, 2013:


MOUNDSVILLE, W. VA. — The Marshall County 4-H and FFA Goat and Rabbit Club held its annual Goat Fun Show May 19 at the Marshall County Fairgrounds.

The club weighed in 88 market projects from 65 members. The members will then show their market goats July 22 at 5 p.m. in the New Arena and sell their projects at the club’s auction July 25 at 6 p.m. in the same arena. The show and sale are open to the public and take place during the Marshall County Fair.

Winners were crowned during the afternoon-long Fun Show.

4-H and FFA showmanship winners were: First place, Logan Toler; second place, Audrey Rine; and third place, Lane Miller. Grand champion market goat went to Samantha White and reserve went to newcomer Shelly Phillips.

Grand and reserve champion meat does were both from Zida Acres in Woodsfield, Ohio. Both grand and reserve meat bucks were from High Hill Acres in Glen Easton, W. Va.

The winning pair of dairy goats were both owned by the Reynolds family of S&K Boer Goats in Cameron, W. Va.

The club is on track to sell 131 projects during their livestock sale.

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HIRAM, Ohio — Breeders and Feeders held their most recent meeting May 19 at the school exhibit building on the fairgrounds.

During the business meeting Todd Montazzoli presented the Ambassador Program for the Junior Livestock Sale and ask for members to sign up to participate in this program. Thanks to the several members that signed up to participate in this new program. Community Service projects were discussed and the club voted to participate in the Hare Raisers Annual Geauga County Food-A-Thon we will also be joining with the Flockmasters 4-H Club to help collect used denim and rubber soled shoes for recycling.

Congratulations to the Breeders and Feeders team of Ashley, Tracey, Kelli and Katie and Driver Victoria along with Coach Noah on placing second in the bathtub races of the Woman’s Division at the Chardon Maple Festival in April. A health report was given by Danielle on Poison Ivy and Cody did a safety report on bonfires. A reminder was also given about project judging being held July 13, if for some reason you cannot attend you must do the make- up judging June 27. Each species group then met with their advisors to go over their projects.

The pig projects discussed pig health after tagging and went over the pages in the project book that need to be completed for skillathon. The rabbit projects discussed skillathon also and the Fun Show that they can participate June 8 at the fairgrounds. Poultry projects participated in a showmanship clinic prior to the meeting and discussed skillathon.

Clover buds worked on collages of animals that they would like to take to the fair. Thanks to Max and his mom for cutting out those pictures. The beef projects went over skillathon also.

The next meeting will be June 23 at Troy Community House.

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NEW SPRINGFIELD, Ohio — The Springfield Booster Boys held their monthly meeting May 19 at Snyder’s Cabin.

The unfinished business of T-shirt and sweatshirt orders was discussed. This was the last day for orders to be turned in.

New business discussed was ideas for fun night. Also advisors wanted everyone to know text messages will only be sent if there is a change in meeting times or dates. If no message is sent monthly meetings will follow the SBB calendar passed out at the first meeting.

Everyone with animal projects should be reviewing their project books for the skill-a-thon which is June 18. A sign up sheet was also passed around for materials needed at 6:30 p.m. for the June 12 meeting at the fairgrounds. Members are reminded to dress appropriately because the group will be doing landscaping around the Jr Fair Office.

Cloverbuds will also have a workshop at this meeting.

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SALEM, Ohio — The Creative Clovers 4-H club met May 18.

Caroline Burns supplied the health report for the club. The safety report was about drowning.

In old business, the Humane Society field trip is from 1-2 p.m. July 19 liability release forms were distributed. An update was given on fundraising. New Business, a clothing contest is set for July 8 and small projects is scheduled for July 10. The cooking competition is set for July 23. Safety posters are about germ safety this year. Demonstration and speaking contests will be held June 29. The next meeting will be June 7.

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