OSU plans muck crop field day


WILLARD, Ohio — The latest research on muck crops will be shared with Ohio growers at a July 27 field day in Huron County. The event is sponsored by Ohio State University Extension and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center.

The Muck Crops Field Day is from 9 a.m. to noon at the Muck Crops Agricultural Research Station, 4875 state Route 103 S. in Willard.

The muck crops research station is also a part of the college. The station features a research program that addresses the profitability, quality and safety of fresh vegetable crops grown in northern Ohio such as lettuce, radishes, parsley, onions, squash and other leaf, vine and root crops.

The field day is held in conjunction with the monthly breakfast meeting for growers, which is from 9-10:30 a.m. The meeting is open to anyone who grows muck crops in Ohio.

Presentations from researchers at the station will follow. Participants can walk through the test plots at the research station after the presentations and speak with researchers who will be available to answer questions.

The event is free and includes breakfast. To register or for more information, contact the Huron County OSU Extension office at 419-668-8219, or Filbrun at 419-709-7485.