Utica shale: ODNR releases 2015 first quarter production numbers for oil and gas wells

well rig

SALEM, Ohio — During the first quarter of 2015, Ohio’s horizontal shale wells produced 4,401,687 barrels of oil and 183,585,256 Mcf (183 billion cubic feet) of natural gas, according to figures released June 1 by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources.

Oil increased by more than 842,000 barrels and gas by more than 18 billion cubic feet compared to the fourth quarter of 2014.

By comparison, 418 horizontal shale wells, in the first quarter of 2014, produced 1,951,641 barrels of oil and 67,329,316 Mcf (67 billion cubic feet) of natural gas.

The first quarter of 2015 saw an increase of 300,000 barrels of oil production over the production of the fourth quarter of 2015.

Gas production

Belmont County wells led the pack in gas production. Rice Drilling had three of the top 10 gas-producing wells. Two legs of the Blue Thunder well and the Bigfoot well were the leaders in the state.

Not too far behind them was the a well drilled by Antero Resources Corporation in Monroe County, known as the DK Carpenter Unit. It generated 1,316,064 Mcf on one leg and the other generated 1,125,178 Mcf over the 90 days.

Oil production

The Frakes unit in Noble County showed high oil production, according to the ODNR. The one leg of the well pumped 50,464 barrels of oil during the 90-day period.

High-producing wells

The Frakes unit was definitely one of the top wells producing in both the oil and gas sectors during the first quarter. Besides the 50,464 barrels of oil, it also produced over 1.022 Mcf.

Other high producers included the Lawson Land GR, Lake Land GR wells and the Shugert Daddy E WLS GR well, all of which are located in Guernsey County and are developed by American Energy Utica.

(Be sure to scroll to the bottom where lists of the high producing oil and gas wells are available.)


The new report lists 926 wells, 877 of which reported production, resulting in a 12 percent increase in wells for the first quarter. Forty-nine wells reported no production, as they are waiting on pipeline infrastructure.

Of the 877 wells reporting production results:
• the average amount of oil produced was 5,019 barrels
• the average amount of gas produced was 209,333 Mcf
• the average number of days in production was 80.

Ohio law does not require the separate reporting of Natural Gas Liquids (NGL). Gas reporting totals listed on the report include NGLs.

Top 10 Ohio wells, oil production First Quarter 2015*

Frakes Unit 2H, Noble County, Seneca Township, Antero Resources Corporation                      50,464 barrels**
Lake West Land GR 2H, Guernsey Co., Londonderry Township, American Energy Utica LLC    40,683 barrels
Shugert Daddy E WLS GR 5H, Guernsey Co., Wills Township, American Energy Utica LLC    38,860 barrels
Shugert Daddy E WLS GR 3H, Guernsey Co., Wills Township, American Energy Utica LLC    36,753 barrels
Dynamite 4H, Guernsey County, Richland Township, PDC Energy    36,558 barrels
Shugert Daddy E WLS GR 1H, Guersney Co., Wills Township, American Energy Utca LLC    35,948 barrels
Lawson Land GR 4H, Guernsey Co.y, Londonderry Township, American Energy Utica LLC    34,912 barrels
Lake Land GR 4H, Guersney County, Londonderry Township, American Energy Utica LLC    34,841 barrels
Ripley2-26H, Guernsey County, Londonderry Township, Gulfport Energy Corporation    33,762 barrels
Lake East Land GR 6H, Guernsey Co., Londonderry Township, American Energy Utica LLC    32,814 barrels

* Production data is compiled based on information provided to the ODNR by the oil and gas well owners.
The Division of Oil and Gas Resources does not guarantee the accuracy of the information.
** (1 barrel = 42 U.S. gallons)

Top 10 Ohio wells, gas production First Quarter 2015*

Blue Thunder 10H, Belmont County, Smith Township, Rice Drilling    1,412,570 Mcf
Blue Thunder 12H, Belmont County, Smith Township, Rice Drilling    1,411,895 Mcf
Bigfoot 9H, Belmont County, Smith Township, Rice Drilling    1,409,836 Mcf
DK Carpenter Unit 1H, Monroe County, Seneca Township, Antero Resources Corporation    1,316,064 Mcf
Keylor Unit 1H, Monroe County, Seneca Township, Antero Resources Corporation    1,284,920 Mcf
Graves Unit 1H, Noble County, Marion Township, Antero Resources Corporation    1,238,017 Mcf
Shroyer Unit 4H, Monroe County, Salem Township, Eclipse Resources I, LP.    1,202,513 Mcf
McDougal Unit 1H, Monroe County, Seneca Township, Antero Resources Corporation    1,149,948 Mcf
Franklin Unit 3H, Monroe County, Seneca Township, Antero Resources Corporation    1,131,113 Mcf
DK Carpenter Unit 2H, Monroe County, Seneca Township, Antero Resources Corporation    1,125,178 Mcf

* Production data is compiled based on information provided to the ODNR by the oil and gas well owners.
The Division of Oil and Gas Resources does not guarantee the accuracy of the information. Ohio law does not require the
separate reporting of Natural Gas Liquids (NGL). Gas reporting totals listed on the report include NGLs.
** (1 MCF = 1,000 cubic feet of gas)


  1. You have a pretty nice web site. I suppose you must be a very patient person to plow through those ODNR reports.