Friday, February 7, 2025
Tags Posts tagged with "butterflies"

Tag: butterflies

The Milkweed Mud Pies program at the Beaver Creek Wildlife Education Center was a start to helping monarch butterflies survive and thrive.

Learn how to identify butterflies, when and where to look for them and how to attract them to your yard to get started butterfly watching.

It's time to plan for the Great Backyard Bird Count, running Feb. 15-18. The GBBC allows volunteers to take a snapshot of global bird populations.

Migratory birds and butterflies will soon begin their journey head south for the winter. Learn more about what species to watch for this fall.

At the Cape May Fall Festival, Scott Shalaway and his wife saw hundreds of butterflies and birds migrating for the winter.

The Ohio Pollinator Habitat Initiative is seeking public involvement to collect and drop off common and swamp milkweed seed pods from established plants.

Much of what we know about monarch migration originates with the citizen science program called Monarch Watch.

Enjoy one of North America’s most iconic and beautiful insects. Learn how to find and take care of Monarch butterfly caterpillars.

It takes a variety of flowers and shrubs that provide food for both the adult and larval stages to create a butterfly garden.

Do your part to help monarch butterflies flourish.