Friday, May 3, 2024
cattle feedlot

Improving cow comfort by removing barriers affecting intake is perhaps the single greatest opportunity to promote feeding behavior and optimize DMI.
Holstein dairy cows

Just like an effective football coach, you must prepare and coach your herd to perform properly in the fall and prepare the cow herd to win each game. 

Earning income and paying self-employment taxes as a farm manager has an impact on future social security retirement benefits. 
men watch an excavator dig in remains of a barn fire

Plenty of potential disasters can impact our farm businesses. Are you prepared in the event disaster strikes your farm? 
Holstein dairy cows

University of Wisconsin researchers studied genetic parameters for feeding behavior traits and their association with feed efficiency in Holstein cows.
Dairy cows

Your veterinarian, nutritionist, agronomist, lender, attorney and extension educator can make recommendations to address challenges on your farm. 
barley fields

Winter annual forages can be a very economic feed for cows and heifers. The four most common winter annuals are rye, triticale, wheat and barley.

As we enter silage harvest season, now is the perfect time to sit down to evaluate your current corn varieties to make a good selection for 2023.

It is easy to just do, do, do and not think, strategize or ponder. However, taking the time to think through a strategy for your farm can be beneficial.
Harvesting hay silage

As you prepare for corn silage harvest, it can be helpful to estimate how many tons per acre each variety will yield to make sure you will have enough.