Thursday, April 25, 2024

It is said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. If this is so,...
coffee and computer

Kymberly Foster Seabolt discusses the brave new world of online shopping and the many subscriptions available to you.

This week, Kymberly Seabolt analyses her "white trash taste buds" and the midwestern cooking she grew up enjoying.

Columnist Kymberly Foster Seabolt gets sick of snow days and children's snow-day etiquette.

I don't know how or why and it hardly seems possible, yet I have undeniable proof that it is. My entire life just goes right ahead and falls apart if my husband leaves the state.

It is said that murderers often return to the scene of their crimes. This is utterly believable to me. I've been returning to the...

It’s important to note that while other people may ask “were you raised in a BARN?” as a derogatory statement, our kids know the appropriate answer is “Yes!”
Fluffy dog

The adventures of a recently promoted former emergency backup dog. Now that Ace is gone, Jagger has been promoted to Top Dog.

Columnist Kymberly Foster Seabolt just wants to mail a stuffed toy and board game. Is the Postal Service too busy with live alligators to deliver her package?

I am running with a bad crowd. Somewhere there is a bookish gathering of nerdy, sedentary types missing me terribly.