Sunday, May 5, 2024
Little Pasture on the Prairie

Little Pasture on the Prairie


The first of May isn't always spring in South Dakota. But Eliza Blue feels it's finally arrived on her ranch and she's soaking up every bit of it.
Clun Forest sheep

The Clun Forest sheep have performed better than Eliza Blue could have hoped, especially during lambing season.
people walking on pedestrian lane during night time

Traveling to New York City feels like going home for Eliza Blue, who spent time there as a young adult while trying to make it big as a singer-songwriter.

The truth is Northern Plains gardening is a gamble from start to finish. Eliza Blue weighs in on this season's harvest.

Lately, the early morning and late night flock checks and bottle feedings have been a pleasure for Eliza Blue.
snowshoe hare

Eliza Blue and her family are waiting out another cold snap in South Dakota.
bumble bee

Eliza Blue recalls the summer days she spent with her young children on her ranch, doing chores and and finding gratitude in the life all around her.
Nigerian dwarf goat

Eliza Blue's goat managed to give birth, clean and nurse her baby and have him up and bouncing around during the less than 24 hours everyone was gone. 
sheep wool

Eliza Blue tries her hand at washing, carding and spinning wool into yarn. It's harder than it looks, even for a South Dakota rancher.

Eliza Blue enjoys a sky full of stars on a recent pasture walk on her South Dakota ranch.