Monday, May 6, 2024

It's like this: I'm adrift in dreamland, when I'm rudely startled awake by the "Bleet-Bleet-Pounding-In-Your-Brain-Bleet-Bleet" of The Most Annoying Alarm Clock In The History Of the World (Patent Pending).

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has announced the Milk Income Loss Contract will kick in for February, the first time there has been a payment for MILC since April 2010.

COSHOCTON, Ohio -- Do you ever remember mowing your lawn in March? Due to the warm weather this year many of us did just...

The backyard nesting season is well under way here on the ridge. The first complete bluebird nest held five eggs on March 26. As...

Remember when old ones died and new were born. And life was changed, disassembled, rearranged. Remember when 30 seemed so old. Now, lookin' back...

More and more, the federally-mandated, non-refundable commodity checkoffs resemble something out of a Charles Dickens novel. Most feature huge casts, complicated plots and, to...

Wondering which hunting activities top the most popular list? That’s easy. Whitetail deer, wild turkey, and coyote. Coyote hunting Well, ranking coyote hunting even close to...

It was, literally, a sight for sore eyes. Two years ago March 12, trumpets blasted in Ankeny, Iowa, as America's new gladiators for agricultural...

It has been a month since the Super Tuesday election. Boy, it has been peaceful these past few weeks. Amazing how the barrage of...

More than 95 percent of Ohio's dams are owned by local landowners or other entities other than the state of Ohio. And, if you are the owner of a dam, the responsibility for maintaining a safe dam rests with you.