Sunday, May 5, 2024

There is something about the bloom and blossom of spring that always feels like a fresh, new experience.

As a child, Judith Sutherland named all the animals on her family farm. She couldn't give up on any without recognizing its wonder in the world.

Judith Sutherland believes there is nothing more soothing than the voice and the touch of those who have shared our common journey.

Judith Sutherland recalls her father's excitement over the first signs of spring because it meant planting wasn't far behind.
boots dancing

Not long ago, many people met through 4-H, bordering school events, community club gatherings or square dances.

Judith Sutherland recalls her father's bewilderment in regard to her husband's love of raccoon hunting.

With the first blush of spring, regardless of what the calendar says, everyone gets a little excited.
trash dump

The old farm dump site in the woods of Judith Sutherland's youth provided her and her siblings with the boards they needed to build their own treehouse.
trash dump

Judith Sutherland recalls her sister's excitement on trips to the dump, treasuring hunting through the trash.

Judith Sutherland celebrates her mother's 89th birthday by honoring all of her wonderful qualities.