Friday, May 3, 2024
Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

Editor:I am a local farmer. I'm a simple man and, like most farmers, I have a lot of common sense. Simplicity and common sense...

Farmers must never lose sight of the real power farmers have and that should be used in the marketplace. Market power, not government power, will bring lasting prosperity to America’s dairy farmers.

The following is a headline I read recently, "COOL is ruled WTO violation; NCBA agrees." Are you kidding me? The all-knowing minds at the NCBA have fought a battle so all of us independent cattlemen and women have no way to distinguish our product.

Reader: If government interference and over regulation would be reduced, jobs would be created, private industry would prosper and more than sufficient tax revenue would be generated.

Do we have to wait for the governor to pass laws on how we raise and care for our birds and animals?

Editor: The recent in-depth economic analysis by Mark Stephenson of National Milk's "Dairy Security Act," which was introduced by Rep. Collin Peterson (D-Minn.), brings to...

Editor: Taxpayers on the hook for $3 billion to push small dairy farms out of business? The proposed cure is worse than the disease. The...

One might ask why Kasich has given ODNR the right to go on a witch hunt for Ohio animal owners. ODNR can come to your home, search your barns and house because someone says you raise exotic animals.

We write to encourage citizens in the United School district to vote yes for United's future and support the 3.92 bond issue.

Editor:I am writing about Keith Campbell's letter. I do not think we should ban all exotic animals, but why do we need to keep...