5 price research resources for farmers

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The USDA maintains online Local Food Directories for farm markets, farm stands, Community Supported Agriculture and food hubs at www.ams.usda.gov/services/local-regional/food-directories-listings.

Farmers can locate markets with similar sales demographics, and go undercover to scope out competitors’ prices.

2Online farmers’ markets and buying clubs
Online markets and clubs showcase fresh food and value-added products from farms within a region. Farmers can research and compare prices for a single product from multiple vendors.

Browse prices at Green Bean Delivery, greenbeandelivery.com, and Ohio Valley Food, ohiovalleyfood.com.

3USDA Market News
The Agricultural Marketing Service publishes wholesale and retail price reports in Market News online, ams.usda.gov/market-news.

Farmers can view up-to-date prices for commodities, specialty crops and organics. They can pinpoint prices in their region, and compare to the national average.

4The Kentucky Center for Crop Diversification
The Center publishes price reports from produce auctions, farmers’ markets and wholesalers in Kentucky, Illinois, West Virginia, Tennessee, Indiana and Ohio.

Visit the Kentucky Center for Crop Diversification website for a current list of price reports by state, www.uky.edu/ccd/pricereports.

5Market Watch
Market Watch is a national hub for price information. The website hosts price reports for niche farm products such as grass-fed and pasture-raised meats and fishery products.

The Market Watch website is farmersmarketonline.com/marketwa.htm.

Next Week: 5 price strategies for farmers

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