Tuesday, April 23, 2024
farmers hands on tool

Maybe there is something better and more meaningful you can give your farming father this Father's Day.
Dairy cow.

Summertime heat brings serious consequences to dairy cows. Learn how to help your herd when temperatures are high.
glass of milk

Ohio State Extension educator Jason Hartschuh explores how to modernize milk prices and recognize industry changes through the federal order system.
apple on a desk

Soft skills are just as important as hard skills at school, in extracurriculars and in the work force.
cow and calf

While we cannot avoid mud completely on the farm, we can use best management practices to help reduce the impact of the mud.
farmer shadow

Meeting as a family on a regular basis to discuss the present and future direction of your farm can be beneficial.
cow with flies

Learn how to control flies around livestock by eliminating breeding places and killing large numbers of flies.

It's not too late to fertilize hayfields. Ohio State Extension has some recommendations that account for the early growth we've seen this year.
farmer with tablet

A mission statement reflects the underlying values, goals and purposes of the farm business and those in management. Learn how to write one for your farm.

The tax season is a great time to focus on the fiscal management of your farm operation and to check in on your estate plan.