Thursday, May 2, 2024
Item No. 1242

Sue Leipold, of Hickory, Pennsylvania, submitted Item No. 1242. Help us identify this mystery tool.
Item No. 1241

Item No. 1241. is a tobacco peg used for hand planting. The reader that submitted this item would like help determining what kind of tape was used on it.
Item No. 1240

Item No. 1240 remains unsolved. Do you know what the item is or how the item is used?

You figured out two of our most recent antique tools. Can you identify our newest palm-size mystery tool?

We could use your help in identifying these two antique tools. Can you hazard a guess as to what they are?

Can you identify this mystery item sent to us from Big Prairie, Ohio? This week we share our heartfelt condolences as we mourn a long-time Hazard reader.

Help us solve the identity of these two farm implements found in southern Ohio. Do they go together or are they two separate machines?

You identified two of our mystery tools! Can you keep the streak alive and identify our newest antique tool?

Two antique items remain unsolved. Can you hazard a guess on what they are or how they were used?

Happy Holidays from Hazard. We have a new item for you to identify. Poll your friends and family and see if you can help us identify how it was used.